2 months old and my how you've sprouted,
Now in level 2 NICU - great to be re-routed!
At 5 and 6 lbs. you two are getting big
Surprising Daddy each time he returns from the rig!
Breathing deeply comes easier than before,
Almost everything is less of a chore!
We’ve seen your eyes,
Kissed both of you little guys!
We love to hold your hands,
Still prayers coming from your fans!
Now you’re wearing little clothes, you so look cool,
Just think - in 6 months we’ll be splashing in the pool!
This month you're learning to suck from a bottle.
Don't worry you'll get it and we'll be there to coddle.
Now your job is to grow, stay healthy and drink every bit
You'll both be home with the family before you know it!
You'll both be home with the family before you know it!