Sunday, January 15, 2012

2 months old!

2 months old and my how you've sprouted,
Now in level 2 NICU - great to be re-routed!

At 5 and 6 lbs. you two are getting big
Surprising Daddy each time he returns from the rig!
Breathing deeply comes easier than before,
Almost everything is less of a chore! 
We’ve seen your eyes,
Kissed both of you little guys!
We love to hold your hands,
Still prayers coming from your fans!
Now you’re wearing little clothes, you so look cool,
Just think - in 6 months we’ll be splashing in the pool!
This month you're learning to suck from a bottle.
Don't worry you'll get it and we'll be there to coddle.
Now your job is to grow, stay healthy and drink every bit 
You'll both be home with the family before you know it!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

What a Christmas!

5 weeks ago Tucker and Cody unexpectantly arrived
By God's hand we all have somehow survived!

It has taken us all a few weeks to recoup
Mom is so glad to be back in the loop

We make the drive to visit the boys every other day
"keep bringing the milk" is what the nurses say!

We are learning all about our little premies 
Wearing clothes is the next goal for them - we tease!

Each day they are growing bigger and stronger 
but still we can't help wonder how much longer?

The nursery is finished thanks to Grams,
there is nothing like the love from your fam!

Aunt Kathy stayed to help out for week #2
Cooper and Allie loved their Aunt, she knew just what to do!

Getting ready for Christmas this year has been a slow go
God's presence is here, it's all that we know!

The boys have given us a unique Christmas surprise
No more C-Pap tubes, clear noses and they're opening their eyes!

Thankful for the nurses, doc's and the NICU
because all of this for us is so new.