Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Uncle Shaw is 25 ! ! !

Did you look this good at 25???
Wow! All three of us smiling now how many times do you think we had to pose for this picture?
I'll have the tiger roll and the California roll please . . .

Uncle Shaw is 25 ! ! !

Tonight we celebrated Uncle Shaw turning 25 ! ! !

We went to Uni Sushi our new favorite Sushi joint less than 3 miles away. Cooper likes to study the menu.

Shaw is sporting a new doo (mohawk) probably because he wants to feel young and fancy free again. (Sorry dude - you have tons of responsibilities now - a huge house and pool, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 cars and a sexy wife to take care of.)

Oh to be 25 again, some of you might be thinking. Well, that's what I've been thinking. What were you doing at 25??? Leave a comment if you care to share.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hello Fellow Bloggers! After some hounding and peer pressure from my friends and family I have joined the age of technology and will try out this here thing you call blogging. So . . . bear with me as I attempt to get the hang of it. Here's your intoduction to the Carlson Crew!

Visiting Grandma In Florida

What a wonderful time we had visiting Lee's grandma Dora in Fort Myers. We should have made the trip quite some time ago but finally ventured to Florida via air travel. The airline prices beat the gas pump prices so off we flew. Both kids were great as they slept most of the flights. However the "stuff" we had to keep track of was crazy - 10 things
(2 suitcases, 2 car seats, 2 carry on diaper bags, 2 strollers and 2 kiddo's). Grandma held baby Allie at every free moment. Cooper enjoyed being in an enviroment where there were so many new play things. We also ventured to Orlando to see Lee's brother and his family for the weekend. Max, Brit, Bree, and Sam love hanging out with our little kids. You'd think our kids were famous rappers or Hannah Montana herself the way the cousins dote over them. What awsome cousins!!! We also met Becky and Dave (Lee's Aunte and Uncle of sorts) in Miami for lunch as we waited for our layover. It was too short of a visit but reminded us of how important all kinds of family are. We finally headed home after a week of fun.