Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas at our house 2008!

Christmas morning Heidi came over for waffles, stocking gifts and a Christmas stroll around the block. The highlight was a new tatoo for Cooper.

It was in the 70's and perfect for some outside playtime. We used Heidi's new web-cam to see our sister Bren, and nephew Conner, and neice Dana to enjoy a christmas chat. These lone sisters were very thankful to have each other while their men were working.

Yes, I'm bare foot in December!

And I'm wearing shorts!

Our California Cousins Conner and Dana!

Saturday we celebrated 'Our Family' Christmas. Stocking in the morning (again) and then gifts and dinner with Papa, Grandma and Heidi in the afternoon. Cooper was eager to try out his tricycle from Papa and Grandma. He may be riding around he neighborhood before long with his mom briskly walking after him.

Allie just loved to play with the wrapping paper and a few new chew gifts. Still no teeth in sight but Allie made her mom's christmas wish come true. Allie is standing with very little help!!!

What a wonderful Christmas we have had; tons of lights on the house, a snowy day, Allie's 1st Christmas, and Cooper knowing the Christmas story about baby Jesus . However thankful I am for the Christmas Holiday, I am equally thrilled it is over until next year. It is exciting to wonder what God has in store for our family, THE CARLSON CREW in 2009!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas 2008 in a week!

It's less than a week before Christmas and it seems that I am bustling around trying to make it all happen but today was a very fun day. My wonderful neighbor, Jeannette watched Allie for the morning while Cooper and I made a few last minute shopping stops. How fun that Heidi was out too and we all got to shop together!

First thing this morning my 2yr old reminds me to really take it all in.

Cooper is thrilled about the Christmas Lights everywhere. He says, "Oh Lights" and often reminds me to turn our lights on. I remind him that we can do it when it is dark outside :)

It is also precious to have my own kid enjoy my be-loved manger scene. Our zoo has some great camels who come really close to you so he is thrilled about the 3 wise men's camel. It is fun to watch him set up the people, Jesus and the animals in the stable.

Allie is just too cute in red! All I want for Christmas from Allie is for her to stand up on her own - it sure would make putting on her pants a bit easier.
(I know all you older moms are saying, "Just enjoy her while she's not mobile")
However, my Christmas wish remains "Allie STAND UP"!!!

Wouldn't that be a big surprise for Daddy too!

Speaking of surprises ...

What a great early Christmas present Lee! I love the new bed.

(I bet you can't wait to try it out too!)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

It's a hard pull in the snow!

YES!!! It has snowed this morning for about 3 hours. Snow it really beautiful to watch! The last time it snowed here was 2004 and the time before that was 1989. So... our town gets really excited when it does snow! Cooper saw snow last Christmas when we took a trip to Gatlynberg but he was just a year old. Today Lee, Cooper and I had fun playing in the snow. Allie has a cough so we didn't take her out in the cold - she enjoyed a Baby Praise Movie.

He was so excited!

We are kinda corn-ney and tried to sing every Christmas song that has the word snow in it. We attempted to make a snowman but we were really bad at it, instead we made great snowballs and threw them in the ditch and watched them float.

The little sign on our wagon and wreath says, "let it snow". We never thought it really would!

What a christmas miracle!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

An old tradition ... Candy Houses

When I was a kid we had a family tradition of making 'Candy Houses' at Christmas-time.

We make our houses out of cardboard and cover with icing (snow) and then load them up creatively with candy. Gingerbread houses are a bit unstable and a lot of extra work so we always design cardboard houses since the icing always covers up the houses and you never see the gingerbread anyway.

This year we made candy houses with Lee's parents, Papa and Grandma who had never made them before. What fun for them! Aunti Heidi is the expert house designer - she's got lots of experience with candy. Her house was an energy saving Eco-house - ya' think she watches too much HGTV???

Cooper loved putting the candy on and attempting to pulling it off and sneak a bite. Lee was meticulous with his house. Allie simply jumped happily up and down in her jumperoo and watched us. Ever wonder what to do with all that Halloween candy??? We save our candy for our candy houses. Looking for an inexspenvisve fun family tradition... Candy Houses are so much fun and not as messy as you'd think. We toss them after Christmas.

Our finished masterpieces!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Christmas Card Pictures

Don't you love getting Christmas cards that have pictures in them! I sure do! I just love to see how much friends and families have grown and changed through the years. I actually kept up our Christmas card photos of friends and family on the wall all year. I read somewhere to make a flip book of all your Christmas card photos and as a family pray for one of the families in your book each night at dinner. I think we will start to do this so... if blessing start coming your way it just might be that you were in our prayers and God agreed.

However, I agonize over sending out Christmas card photos. I know that I shouldn't. But ... it is just so hard to get a good picture one worthy of being "THEE Christmas Photo". Cooper's good smiling days are over (for now), he is very interested in being behind the camera looking through the viewfinder. "I see" "I see" is what he says. Allie has to be in just the right mood.

We only have one picture of the 4 of us so we thought a Sears Photo Day was in order. WOW - what an ordeal. Matching but not too matchy clean clothes for everyone, a scheduled appointment at just the right time of day when everyone is happy, not hungry or not ready for a nap. So we get to Sears and wait 50 minutes for our 12:30 appointment. By this time Alllie is ready to eat and Coop is on the verge of a nap. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! The stress . . . So we don't get any pictures of Coop and Allie together and only a few of the 4 of us. So I schedule another appointment and not so politely remind them that we waited nearly an hour - Lee rolls his eyes in agony that we'll have to do this again in 4 hours after naps and afternoon snacktime. He is a trooper and I just love it that my dear husband goes along with my crazy Christmas card photo ideas every year. Usually my sister takes our picture or we run to get in place for the instant digital.

So ... now even more than before I appreciate Christmas card photos in which all the kids are smiling or not smiling because I know the frustration.

I will not go into the demise of our visit and photo with Santa. You can see for yourself!
I was smart to not make Lee go with me to another photo op. but I told Heidi it was her turn. I don't think she was thrilled but I've got a really cool sister and she was a huge help.

Thank you God, Christmas Card Photos are over until next year.
(This statement was truely and non-sarcasticly said in my evening prayer)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's Beginning to feel a lot like Christmas . . .

Christmas! How fun it is to begin the festive season and teach kids the traditons that we love. Everything is "cool" to a two yr. old at Christmas, our Allie-girl just loves to watch Cooper get excited and maybe chew on something new. Eyes light up with the glimmer of christmas lights and a train around a tree in the house - what fun! Mom and Dad sing and dance around as we all listen to Christmas songs! Did you know Buble' has a new christmas CD! But our favorite is good ol' Bing Crosby. A little stable with animals, angels and a baby Jesus - it's a new story to be told and re-told.

It's got to be because of Jesus that we are a bit more joyful, a bit more thankful, and a bit more generous at Christmas time. Enjoy the wonderful time of year as you make your Christmas prepartions and celebrate Jesus!