Saturday, June 9, 2012

mE OH my, WhaT a MaY!

What a month May 2012 was!
It started off great with a visit from Grams, Auntie Heidi and cousin Remi!

A quick catch up of the month ...
The three cousins born a week apart
all 6 months old finally got to meet each other!

the 3 boys

A fun visit from our old buddy Ashley ....

Then a few days before Grams, Heidi and Remi fly back to CA, 
Cody spent 8 days in the hospital with a flu virus (para-influenza).  I stayed by his side. 
Papa and Grandma came for a week to take care of Cooper, Allie and Tucker. 

He was then home for 2 days and then rushed by ambulance 
back to the hospital because he was grey looking and unresponsive.
His oxygen saturation and heart rate were very low.
While in the ER CPR as administered for approximately 2 minutes.

 He was then ambulanced to Houston's Medical Center 45 minutes away.
The same hospital he was born in.
Cody spent 12 days in the pediatric intensive care unit on a ventilator.
He was sedated with a neuro-muscular block so that 
he would not move.
Cody had contracted another virus, H influenza.
This was a critical time for Cody.  
As he fought for his life, we all prayed for God's mercy and healing.

Traveling to the hospital everyday was a chore but also a joy 
to see Cody make steady slow progress.
Arranging childcare for the other 3 and meals was handled by our friends 
at First Colony and Cinco Ranch churches.
Cody was lifted in prayer literally around the globe.

Cooper and Allie each had a turn visiting Cody.
Allie gave Cody a bath in his hospital bed!

Mr. Rand (our texas grandpa)
spent one night with Cody.

A tough month May was for us!
Lee and I spent mother's day
with Cody
and farmed out Cooper, Allie and Tucker
to wonderful friends.
That mother's day I wondered
if this was the last mother's day I
would be a mother to 4 children.

But ... he recovered slowly
Cody arrived home May 31st!

We are so blessed to have Cody
back home with
 the Carlson Crew!!!!!!!!

(Last day in the hospital waiting for discharge)