Wednesday, September 10, 2008

- Messes and Mosquitoes -

Cooper is so funny these days. He is almost 2 yrs. old and has just started communicating in sentences which is pure joy to this mom's ears. His first sentence was "I made a mess" Yes, quite funny to this mom's ears but not so joyful on the eyes.
I do catch myself saying, "ohhh you made a mess" in a -not so joyful- voice and sometimes laughing at the messy messes I come upon.

Cooper also tells Allie "Aow-ee a mess" when I feed her cereal.

The 2nd sentence we're hearing is "I see a moon!" in jubilation and then shortly after "...and a star". We then talk about how God gave us the moon so we can see at night and how pretty the stars are (meanwhile we are getting eaten alive by mosquitoes). Tonight as we drove home from church Cooper was so quiet in the backseat. As I glanced back he was watching the moon follow us home. Did you ever notice that Wal Mart has a star in the middle of the word (between the L and the M)? I didn't either until little Coop alerted me to the fact. Did you know that the Nike Swoosh looks like a moon - yeah, I thought that was a stretch too but now you understand how much Cooper is into finding stars and moons around town.

Anyway, it is quite fun to relive the marvels of this world through your child's eyes as he begins to take make sense of it for the first time despite the messes and mosquitoes!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

What a sweet little post!