Sunday, March 29, 2009

WET March Fun

We have had a fun wet boat ride!

We have had many wet rainy days!

(wet and muddy -Yeah)

We have had a wet time potty training!

(wet success)

Smiles after Wet Kisses

(More Wet Kisses)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Leprechaun Poo Poo

Looking for four leaf clovers and Leprechaun's

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today was a fun day for us! The sun was shinning so beautifully today, in the 70's with a nice breeze. Those little leprechaun's must have known we needed to delight in the sun after several raining days.

We were outside almost all day! I even skipped the kids afternoon naps to take in a neighborhood bike ride and a long play day at the bayou park.

Later we delivered Leprechaun Poo Poo to the neighbors.

Only 5 simple ingredients to make Leprechaun Poo Poo

I loaded up the wagon with the kids and gifts for our neighbors. Of course, Cooper loves pulling the wagon and getting to hand deliver our treats! There is just something nestalgic about it. I think some of our neighbors think we are a little weird though (they're probably right).

And to top it off a Leprechaun dinner at Uncle Shaw's house, Cabbage and Corned Beef stew. It was so good. Cooper got to play with his best girl friend Maddy which made his day!
2 - 2yr olds no chance at 2 smiles

(Thanks for the great smiles today kids)

It's days like today that I feel a little guilty (but mostly blessed) that I get to stay home and play while Dad works so hard for us.

Friday, March 6, 2009

A quick trip to Houston

We took a quick trip to Houston because Lee had a training he had to do for work. Along the way we visited our friends, the Vogts, went to the zoo, rode the train and visited many parks.
My friend Candace

Coop and Daddy

Hannah and Allie

Lucas was so helpful to entertain Cooper!

Cooper loved the little train ride through the huge park.
Poor Allie spent a lot of time in her stroller. She was a trooper and took it all in with little complaint.
However on the 6 hour ride home ... well, we just don't want to go there.