Saturday, December 26, 2009

Fish Camp - Candy House

Our candy house had a few problems this year . . .
First our frosting was too runny so the candy slid down slowly,
so I thickened it! Then realized that the roof was too steep ...
So we went a different route - a flat top tin roof like a fish camp has!
Cooper was patient and so thrilled to make a lake with fish in it!

If you look close you will see Red Fish all over this fish camp
that the Gingerbread Boy has been catching all day! Sorry
Calif. crew you probably don't get this one . . .

Allie and Daddy hung out!

Allie and Duke hanging out!
This dog is so tolerant of 2yr. olds !


Rachel said...

And how cute it turned out! Enjoyed you card and picture. Merry Christmas!

Carrie Brown said...

I love that fish house! It was perfect and would call that an ice-fishing house up here!! Merry Christmas!