Thursday, August 5, 2010

Best Conversation of the Day!

So here's the conversation of the day between my 3yr. old and I.

I took the kids to chick-fil-A and somewhat dropped them off to play in the kids play area,
while I quickly orded and got the food (yep I was by myself).

When I had gotten to our table Cooper came running out of the play area
and said, "Mama I was worried about you when I didn't see you at our table!"

"oh Cooper, I needed to get the food, but I should have told you where I was going.
I'm sorry about that.  Next time I'll tell you so you don't worry."

"That's ok Mama, I forgive you.  Everyone makes mistakes!"

I just thought that was so cute and it melted my heart . . .

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I can tell that sweet boy's got some great parents... :)