Friday, January 22, 2010


Allie is becoming a chatterbox!
Her favorite things to say lately are "there she is!" (after she's been hiding),
flag, rainbow, all the shapes but her favorite is octagon,
and a new favorite - yellow!

All the seseme street monsters have clear identfiable names.
I am very jealous of Elmo.
Allie says his name several times a day.

Allie has not said, "Mama" - yep not ever!
Not when she's fallen down, or
whinning or when I walk in the room!

Being a behavorist, trained in speech therapy I was perplexed.
My theory, I've never spent more than 5 hours away from Allie in 2yrs,
I'm just always there. Who needs to say, "Mama" ?

So this week I've been enticing her by showing her candy
and making her say, "candy" and then she has to imitate "mama"
before she got the candy. Yeah, it worked but I cheated . . .
it wasn't a heart felt "mama" just a trained imitated "mama".

Then last night with a book in hand
Allie says, "Mama" with little effort.
Of course it was the best book we've ever read together and
I can't even tell you which one it was.
Thank you Allie, I needed to here it !
In less than a week I'll be taking a 4 day trip
with my sisters to Cabo San Lucas! I'm so excited,
nervous that my wonderful husband will go a little looney,
and wondering if Daddy will get sick of
Allie saying, "Mama???" Mama???"
Everything in it's own time . . .


Rachel said...

Yay Allie! Music to your mama's ears! Yellow is Joey's favorite color to say, too...but he's stuck on triangles instead of octagons. :)

Michelle, have fun on your trip! I'm so excited for you!

Amber said...

That's wonderful! I know it does your mama heart good to hear it!!! Have a great time on your trip - you deserve it!