Friday, January 22, 2010


Allie is becoming a chatterbox!
Her favorite things to say lately are "there she is!" (after she's been hiding),
flag, rainbow, all the shapes but her favorite is octagon,
and a new favorite - yellow!

All the seseme street monsters have clear identfiable names.
I am very jealous of Elmo.
Allie says his name several times a day.

Allie has not said, "Mama" - yep not ever!
Not when she's fallen down, or
whinning or when I walk in the room!

Being a behavorist, trained in speech therapy I was perplexed.
My theory, I've never spent more than 5 hours away from Allie in 2yrs,
I'm just always there. Who needs to say, "Mama" ?

So this week I've been enticing her by showing her candy
and making her say, "candy" and then she has to imitate "mama"
before she got the candy. Yeah, it worked but I cheated . . .
it wasn't a heart felt "mama" just a trained imitated "mama".

Then last night with a book in hand
Allie says, "Mama" with little effort.
Of course it was the best book we've ever read together and
I can't even tell you which one it was.
Thank you Allie, I needed to here it !
In less than a week I'll be taking a 4 day trip
with my sisters to Cabo San Lucas! I'm so excited,
nervous that my wonderful husband will go a little looney,
and wondering if Daddy will get sick of
Allie saying, "Mama???" Mama???"
Everything in it's own time . . .

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Rough day for who?

Today has had a rough start. Allie's getting some new teeth and like me is not too keen on pain. Last night we were up 4 times. Cooper seemed to get all his teeth in 2 burst and didn't have much trouble or he is just a boy and can sleep through more pain than my Allie-girl.
This morning being extra tired I set Cooper up with breakfast and returned to bed for a few more winks only to hear a splash. Aparently he liked his apple juice so much that he poured himself another glass - on the floor and all overhimself. BATH

Then lots of poop (from the teether) . . . You don't need the details! BATH

So off to the gym . . . working out doesn't top my 50 most pleasureable things to do but, at times like this mindlessly activity on a treadmile is very appealing. Even the gym's SHOWER was wonderful (because the elevator music was great and knew I wouldn't be interrupted with a little one wanting to join me).

3yr old tantrum as we're leaving the gym because he didn't want to leave.

Get home, let the kids play outside while I fix lunch (no mud in sight - good - they'll just play). Don't you know that the dog's water dish was used to make some great mud. A quick wet wipe BATH x's 2.

Then lunch and naps - Whew we made it to 3pm!
As it was finally quiet in our little house and thinking what a busy morning it had been, my mind drifted to the many people in Haiti who were waking up to major chaos, not just spilled apple juice or mud puddes. But real chaos! Little shelter, no church to be comforted by, the stress of depending on others to fill the hunger of your children, worry about the future, worring if it is worth the effort to sheild a child's eyes from the death that lingers all around . . .

It's times like this that I am so deeply convicted that I let myself think that I've had a rough day. A rough day for who? When did I let insignificat circumstances sneak in and allow them to control MY joy.
James 1:2-4 (New Living Trans.) "When trouble comes your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow ... "
Man do I need endurance! But to get it I have to be tested and have great joy!

My prayer is the same for the people in Haiti as it is for myself that we can muster great joy in difficult times and realize that the joy of the Lord is our strength for any trouble. Wouldn't an interview with a Haitian who had a speck of joy speak volumes to us? Would we recognize that this joy may be 'the joy of the Lord' ? Do my kids see 'the joy of the Lord' in me when they are covered in sticky apple juice or mud? I choose to speak volumes to my kids and let them see 'the joy of the Lord' in difficult times for the glory of the Lord.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

2010 - Hopeful Anticipation!

This year I have made no "New Year's Resolutions" and I do not know what this year has in store for my family. I do know that God has big plans for the four of us in 2010! I have never felt such a feeling of - Hopeful Anticipation - as I have this year. The spirit of God is preparing us for something but that something is hidden for the time being. There are many times in which I've had a tugging at me and not realized what it was and then later say, "Ah - ha, I knew it! God was working quietly but noticible enough if I really paid attention". A little scary - something difficult may be around the corner. A little exciting - something wonderful may be around the corner! Mostly I am thrilled that I've come to the point in my spiritual walk to recognize God's spirit working and overwhelmingly honored that God would spend his time and energy on little me. Whatever 2010 brings I am praying that we (the Carlson Crew) can take what comes with grace and thankfulness . . .

Stay tuned . . . I'm telling you something big is on the horizon!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year's Eve Hike In The Smokey Mountains!

" Those are big huge tall trees Mom"

being careful not to fall

Cooper's big cousin Max!

It was a long hike uphill (for everybody)!

Allie all bundled up like an eskimo in my jacket!

Eskimo asleep!

All smiles in prep for 2010!